The art of Japanese calligraphy 書道

  • Gepubliceerd op : 10/08/2020
  • by : Antoine Legastelois / J.R.

Tout savoir sur la calligraphie : la voie de l'écriture japonaise

En japonais,"shodô" signifie littéralement "la Voie de l’écriture". Plus qu’uneesthétique, c’est avant tout un véritable art de vivre. 

Where to try calligraphy in Tokyo?


There are several places to experience the basics of calligraphy for an introductory session. The latter generally lasts between 45 and 60 min and most of the time offers to write your name in Japanese.

  • Asakusa Jidaya - 5,000 yen, 45 min

  • Yanesen Tourist Infomation & Culture Center - 5800 yen per person for 2 people - 60 min

  • Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center - 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, from 1 pm to 4 pm, free workshop without registration, on the 7th floor of the center.


calligraphy workshop


Atelier pour apprendre la calligraphie japonaise

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