Kumamoto 熊本

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Visiter Kumamoto, la ville du sud la plus peuplée

Au sud de Kyushu, à mi-chemin entre Fukuoka et Kagoshima, Kumamoto est tout autant fluviale que montagnarde. Fière de son château comme de son volcan, la ville s'est remise des séismes qui l'on touchée en 2016 et a maintenant le vent en poupe.

Kumamoto Castle

Kumamoto-jô castle is often considered one of the most beautiful in the country. The former fortress of the Hosokawa samurai clan has been renovated in 1960 is worth a visit, especially in early spring, to enjoy the spectacle of cherry blossoms in its park. 

The Hosokawa family, who ruled the domain of Higo (the former name of Kumamoto Prefecture), also left a superb Edo period aristocratic residence (the Kyû Hosokawa Gyôbu-tei) on the other side of the park that houses the castle, while the family tea house is located further south, in Suizen-ji Park.


Une des salles du bâtiment principal du château



Hanami at Kumamoto Castle

Flickr JoshBerglund19