Golden Week in Japan ゴールデンウィーク

  • Published on : 24/02/2020
  • by : H.J. | J.R.

The Japanese Golden Holiday Week

The "Golden Week" refers to a week made up of several consecutive holidays, between April 29 and May 5 each year on the archipelago. On this occasion, the vast majority of Japanese take the opportunity to take days off and therefore go on vacation.

What is Golden Week?

Why are these days public holidays? The travel frenzy begins with the first of four public holidays: April 29 is the birthday of Emperor Showa ( Shōwa no hi ), known as Hirohito (1901-1989). May 3 is Constitution ( Kenpō kinen bi ) commemoration day, which was enacted in 1947.

May 4th is " Nature Day " ( midori no hi ). Finally, the series ends on May 5 with the Children's Day ( Kodomo no hi ) which turns out to be more specifically the boys' party .

kodomo no hi

Les carpes accrochées lors de la fête des garçons

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Emperor Showa Hirohito (1926-1989)

Emperor Showa Hirohito (1926-1989)

Stuart Rankin

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