Buy electronics in Japan 日本で電子機器を購入する

In high-tech paradise

It's no secret that Japan is the land of unique and excellent electronic appliances. So where can I find the best deals and what else should know?

In this Electronic Heaven, the area offers everything from the biggest brands to small mom-and-pop shops in a cheerful and cheeky atmosphere.

The must-see stores for bargains are Yodobashi Akiba. Japan's largest, spanning 9 floors, sells everything from home appliances, computers, and toys. Not far, you will find the Bic Camera, another Akiba landmark.

The Shinjuku district is also a great place to shop as it offers the same big brand stores as well as smaller stores.

The Akihabara district in Tokyo

The Akihabara district in Tokyo: a former green area that has become a landmark of electronics in the capital.

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Le magasin Yodobashi d'Akiba

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Le Yodobashi de Nishi-Shinjuku

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Kyoto is widely known for its historical and cultural heritage, the city is however home to some large electronics stores, like the gigantic Yodobashi located in front of the main station. Furthermore, the southern end of the Teramachi Dori, in the city center, is aligned with stores offering discount computers, smartphones, video games, peripherals, and other accessories.

Den Den Town

Signs of Den Den Town neighborhood.


kyoto yodobashi

Le magasin Yodobashi au pied de la tour de Kyoto

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