How much does the ascent of Mount Fuji cost?

Advice and tips for climbing Mount Fuji.

Once at the top, a majestic view awaits ... But consider, everything comes at a cost, here's what you'll pay to climb Japan's highest sacred mountain.

Lever du soleil au Mont Fuji

Attendre le lever du soleil, emmitouflé sur le bord de la montagne


Sur le sentier Yoshida

Sur le sentier Yoshida


The most popular and ideal route is to climb in the afternoon, sleep in a refuge after dark, then finish the climb just before sunrise (around 4 am). To do this, you will need to reserve a place in one of the many shelters located between the 5th station and the summit.

The short night spent among many other budding climbers will cost you between 5,000 and 9,000 yen ($43/38€ - $78/69€), plus dinner and/or breakfast. Some shelters offer online reservations in English!

Refuge à la 8è station

Refuge at the 8th station


Dortoir d'un refuge

Dormitory of a refuge


Activité au Japon : Ascension du Mont Fuji

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