Netsuke 根付

Tout savoir sur les mini-sculptures japonaises

D’accessoires vestimentaires en vogue au Japon à l’époqued’Edo, ils sont devenus des pièces de collection prisées dans le monde entier.Mais que sont les netsuke et oùpeut-on s’en procurer ?

A new era for netsuke

During the Meiji era (1868-1912) the fashion for Western clothing prevailed and the netsuke gradually lost its usefulness. However, some foreigners landed in Japan are not without noticing these unusual and sophisticated objects. In Europe, France in the lead, it was the era of Japonism and collectors or lovers of oriental art took a keen interest in it and many pieces were taken to the West with their owners.

Small and light, the netsuke is the ideal object to bring back or import from Japan. Craftsmen therefore continued to produce them, but in smaller quantities and also of lower quality. Many pieces are now exhibited in museums in Europe or the United States.

In 1975, the International Society of Netsuke, Netsuke Kenkyukai Society, was created, long chaired by a Frenchman, Mr. Robert Fleischel, a great specialist in Japan.

Netsuke en forme de Buddha

Netsuke in the shape of a Buddha

janeb13 on Pixabay

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