
Le casque iconique

Les samouraïs japonais ont durant de longs siècles été équipés d'armures, traversant les époques et les changements opérés dans l'art de la guerre sur l'archipel. L'une des pièces les plus reconnaissables de ces armures est le casque, appelé kabuto, dont les différentes formes sont emblématiques du pays du Soleil-Levant.

A helmet with several elements


The kabuto first consists of the Hachi, a domed central piece formed from several metal plates forged to each other and pierced with a hole (tehen). At the back, several slats are riveted to form a wide neck guard called a shikoro, which gives the kabuto its fullness. Ear-shaped protections on the sides are called fukigaeshi, as well as a mae-zashi visor completes the protection.

The central ornament, called datemono, can recall the family crest or be a representation of an animal, real or mythical. Thus, kabuto topped with deer horns is quite common.

Kabuto, samurai helmet



Kabuto of different shapes


Kabuto, like the rest of Japanese armor, has gone through many changes throughout the country's history, and one can only see the influences of the era in which they were designed. Thus, the oldest kabuto, called mabizashi-tsuke kabuto ("helmet with a visor attached"), has been found to date from the 5th century. They bear witness, by their form, to the significant Chinese and Korean contributions of the time to the archipelago.



Suji Kabuto

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kabuto nanban


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