El Lago Suwa 諏訪湖

  • Publicado el : 11/11/2016
  • Por : Antoine Legastelois

La travesía de Dios

Con un fenómeno llamado "La travesía de Dios," ¿quién no va querer visitar el lago Suwa?

The miracle of nature, Omiwatari

Beyond the beauty of the place, the Lake Suwa is most famous for a natural phenomenon quite fascinating that manifests in its waters.

This "miracle of nature" is called "Omiwatari" (御 神 渡 り), or the "God's Crossing." What is it that happens exactly? Every winter when the lake freezes completely and the outdoor temperature is maintained for days at a very low temperature, the ice cracks and fissures form in the ice.

Slowly, as days go past, a sort of ice ridge forms on the surface.

Why is this? The answer is actually in the depths of the lake. Lake Suwa has a hot spring which generates a considerable temperature difference, so the laws of physics produce this "miracle".

According to legend, the god of the lake - Takeminakata no kami - would leave his sanctuary to rejoin his beloved - the goddess Yasakatome - on the opposite bank. And this trip would result in these beautiful peaks on frozen waters. A much nicer way to explain the phenomenon!

Suwako Lake Suwa

Nuestros circuitos

  • Duración : 9 días
  • Locations : Tokyo, Hakone Mt Fuji, Kyoto
  • Duración : 13 días
  • Locations : Tokyo, Hakone Mt Fuji, Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima, Miyajima
  • Duración : 14 días
  • Locations : Tokyo, Hakone Mt Fuji, Kyoto, Nara, Naoshima, Osaka
Descubre todos nuestros circuitos (3)

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