Articles in Matsumoto


Daio Wasabi Farm

Nagano prefecture is home to Daio Wasabi Farm, the largest wasabi farm in Japan! Open all year round, you can learn all the secrets of this key ingredient of Japanese cuisine with a guided tour.

Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto castle is nicknamed Karasu-jo, the "crow castle", because of its dark allure...

Mount Hokata

Mount Hokata is a mountain made up of several peaks located within the Hida Mountains, in the Japanese Northern Alps.

Lever de soleil depuis l'hôtel Senjôjiki

The Senjojiki Hotel


suwa taisha

Over 1,200 years old, the Suwa-taisha is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. It consists of four building complexes, all located around Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture.

Teisho Temple

The largest ancient temple in the city of Saku, in Nagano prefecture, the Teisho temple is renowned for having spread Zazen meditation outside the archipelago, as far as Europe.

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Suwa Taisha Shrine

Suwa Taisha Shrine in Nagano Prefecture near Lake Suwa is one of the oldest and most important Shinto shrines in Japan dating back over 1200 years.

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Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto Castle: read a guide to Matsumoto Castle in Nagano Prefecture. Matsumoto Castle has Japan's oldest wooden keep or donjon.